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Choosing the right book to read

Summer holidays are here! Finally, kids and parents can breathe easy. No exams, homework or rushing for time to schools. The kids can sleep in late, play with their friends and enjoy the sun. Sounds too good to be true?  In reality, many parents don’t see it as a break, instead they are concerned that their kids will waste their time at home and try to fill their time up by signing them up for summer programs, holiday camps and activities.

Reading is a great way for kids to spend the summer with, this habit is a great way to for kids to be exposed to more literary ideas, expand their vocabulary and the best part is it can done whenever and wherever. While many parents know the importance of reading, they sometimes lack the knowledge on how to pick an appropriate book suitable for their kids.

阅读应为孩子们充实暑假的必修课。暑期来临,许多家长可能早已为孩子的假期做好各种各样的准备,上各类补习班、 出门旅游或者是让孩子享受自由自在的时光。有一项活动最适合在暑假开展,也应该成为每一个孩子的习惯,那就是阅读。 阅读可以随时随地进行,带一本书在身边,旅行途中可以读。这是一个给孩子接触到更多的文学观念,扩大自己的词汇量的方法。 虽然许多家长都知道阅读的重要性,但是他们缺乏知识关于如何挑选适合自己的孩子一个合适的书的。

In this post, I’m going to suggest three ways for parents to use as a guide to help their children find the correct book and keep them interested in reading.


1. Select a good publisher and choose from their recommended reading list.


  • This option is an easy way out because you are relying on the experts who sells books for a living. Based on your child’s interest, hobby, personality, you can easily find a good book for him/her to enjoy. The only downside is you may find books that have similar genres as the ones that your teachers use in the classroom.  My recommended publishers which I pick books to teach from are : Scholastic , Penguin Random House, Candlewick Press, Oxford Owl Reading, Usborne Reading.

2. Book Club reading websites

2. 书友会阅读网站

  • This is my favorite source to find new books to read and review or recommend to other book lovers. It is an unbiased way to find new books because it is like asking from your ‘friends’ or people you know for their opinions. Parents can also find recommended books by choosing from Themes and Age group.  It even has a function that lets you track how many books you have finished reading. My recommended Book Club reading websites are : Goodreads , PBS parents, Children’s Book Club.
  • 这是我最喜欢与经常用的来源,寻找新的书籍阅读,或推荐给其他图书爱好者。它采取了一个很公正的方式来绍与分享心得。家长也可以通过从主题和年龄组选推荐找书。它甚至有一个功能,您可以跟踪你阅读完了多少书。我推荐的书友会阅读网站是:Goodreads ,PBS parents, Children’s Book Club.

3. Read the book’s summary or first page


  • After picking a book, preview the book before taking it home. Have a quick glance at the book summary (usually behind the book cover or printed inside the book jacket). If there are too many difficult words or complex ideas in the first few pages, the book may not be suited for the kid. As much as the book is interesting, the child might not persist to finish it and won’t be likely to appreciate reading.
  • 挑选一本书后,把它带回家之前先试读那本书。快速浏览此书的简介(通常位于书的封面或印刷在书封面内侧)。如果孩子觉得有太多的难词或复杂的概念,这本书可能就不适合孩子了。尽可能书中有趣的是,孩子可能无法坚持到完成它。主要是提高孩子对阅读的兴趣而不是逼着他把阅读当成一门功课。

I would like to hear from parents about how they choose reading texts or pick books of varied nature to widen the child’s learning scope. Please share your methods of choosing an appropriate book for your kid.
