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Types of poems for kids : Rhyming Poems (Part 1)

Studying poems can be an alternative way for kids to express themselves in writing because it is short, lines rhymes with each other to get the idea across and therefore easily understood. It brings meaning to a theme or the writer’s feelings without having to write long paragraphs and research.

There are over 50 types of poems in total. In this series, we will explore different types of poems composed for kids to get them interested in certain topics. To kick off today’s series, we are going to introduce Rhyming Poems. Then, we will share some examples of our favorite poems.


According to Wikipedia, a rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds (or the same sound) in two or more words, most often in the final syllables of lines in poems and songs.[1] It also means a short poem, such as a rhyming couplet or other brief rhyming poem such as nursery rhymes.

The most common example of a  nursery rhyme is from the song

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

Reading the lyrics of the song, you can easily see that the last words of every line repeat the same sound and still give it meaning.

Our Favorite Rhymes

We feature 3 poets and their different themes.  You can read how they convey emotions through a topic and use words that rhyme with each other in every line.

1.Dr Seuss on Ageing

dr seus poems











I believe there is not one child who hasn’t heard of Dr Seuss in school.  Reading this poem, you can get a feel of how it is like to become a old person. Furthermore, using associated words like  ‘ cannot see’ ,’ golden years’, ‘drooping’  sticks closely to the topic yet is a clever play on words.  Although they are negative words, ‘ hell’, ‘shrinks’, ‘stinks’ but in the end, Dr Seuss embraces ageing in a impolite manner.


2. Shel Silverstein on being polite to one another

















Not only a children book’s author, Shel Silverstein is also a poet, cartoonist, song writer and screen writer. This wonderful poem talks about courtesy and manners inspires us all to be nice to each other. Seems like the poem uses many nouns ending with ‘ation’ therefore is titled Ations- meaning the action of doing something.

3. Edgar Allan Poe on feeling alone

edgar allanpoe





















Perhaps most well known for his poems is writer Edgar Allan Poe. As you can see, the writing is so elegant and still fulfills the rule of rhyming words after each line. The poet chooses a topic that everyone will encounter allowing the choice of words to express his feeling in a simple yet deep style.

Finally, that is my list for the week. Please share some of your favorite English poems. What do you think makes a good poem?